The Lulls of the Winter Sports Scene

To many, the Super Bowl is the climax of the sport entertainment world. Two weeks of nothing but football coverage, media interviews, controversial stories, and then finally the game. Over 14 days of talking and then two halves of American football that take roughly 75 minutes to complete, and then throw an uber entertaining halftime show in the mix and you’ve got four hours of really solid television. But then what? Then, it’s done. No more football until August, baseball doesn’t get going for the average fan until April, and both hockey and basketball are going through the motions of their nine month long season.

This will go one for a solid month, a month of nothing exciting expect your occasional top 5 matchup in college basketball, maybe an interesting UFC or Boxing match, but it is a struggle to a fan of the sport entertainment industry. It’s a drought that happens every year, except of course the Winter Olympics are going on, which, in that case we have a two week gap that can potentially save us while everyone waits for, in my opinion the most exciting sporting event in the world, March Madness.

In my opinion the two greatest sport television program happen only a month apart from each other, The Super Bowl to March Madness, and the latter even lasts a whole month! But as people were always wanting more, so maybe this month off just seems longer because it is sandwiched in between to two most exciting events of the year, or maybe a month is kind of a long time. Either way, I don’t like it.

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