My Experience With a Beta Version of Google Glasses

Back in 2010 when i was a high school junior I had just gotten the hottest new android for christmas. As i was exploring all the ins and outs of my very first smartphone i stumbled across the app store and begin downloading all the free and interesting apps that I could find. One of those was an extremely early edition of google glass, maybe even the first.Google-Glass-Alternatives

Here’s how it worked, once you selected the app it would automatically open to your camera and ask you to take a picture of whatever it is you wanted to know more about. Say you pointed it at an xbox, the google glasses software would recognize that product give a quick summary, list places you could buy them and how much they would cost. Know i picked an xbox because that is a fairly recognizable item, from my experience the glasses had trouble identifying objects that were not very popular, something I found interesting. However if whatever item you were trying to find out about more in depth had a barcode the google glass technology doubled as a bar code scanner and would retrieve select information through that.

While i did not find the app very useful it was cool to play with, show off to friends, and use it as a talking piece, but it did not have any value to me personally. I think it is cool to look back at large apps when they were startups or even large companies when they were just getting off the ground and seeing exactly what kind of thing they were trying to accomplish at the beginning and what they are focusing on now.

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